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Kesha Smith and Eugenia Gonzalez

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Kesha SmithKesha Smith

Kesha Smith is an Early Learning Instructional Coach with Fort Worth ISD. She has worked in early childhood education for twenty years. Kesha is a graduate from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington with a degree in the Education of Young Children. Kesha has taught Head Start, private school and public school and all of her years in Education have been with 3-5 year old children. 


Eugenia GonzalezEugenia Gonzalez

Eugenia Gonzalez is an Early Learning Instructional Coach in FWISD. She has been in education for more than 20 years. Eugenia holds a Master’s Degree in Reading from Texas Wesleyan University and has taught Pre-K through 5th grade. 

Read Alouds in Pre-K: Make It Interactive

Day 1, Session 2 - July 25, 2:30-3:30pm

There are three parts to a read aloud: before reading, during reading, and after reading. Being purposeful during each component is key. This session will explore the three parts of an interactive read aloud, and is geared toward early childhood educators. We will be analyzing comprehension skills that will serve our emerging bilinguals and native English speakers.