K-12 Educational Leadership
M. Ed. in K-12 Educational Leadership
This major prepares administrators for collaborative leadership in a context of rapid and substantive change. Our central task in these classes is the investigation and clarification of core beliefs about schools, young people, and effective education.
To read more about the M.Ed. in K-12 Educational Leadership program and view the Program of Studies, visit the TCU Online Catalog.
Program Highlights
- 30-hour program, completable in 5 semesters (four long semesters + 1 summer)
- Programmatic focus on equity-centered leadership with an emphasis on culturally responsive instruction, instructional leadership & coaching, data-informed decision making, community engagement, and complex systems
- In-person, cohort-based programming, emphasizing small classes in a “high-touch,” engaging, personalized atmosphere
- Certification-only program available for teachers who already hold a Master’s degree
- We welcome applicants from traditional public school campuses as well as charter campuses, private/independent, and parochial schools
- Substantial tuition discounts for area PK-12 teachers
Download program of study:
For information about the Masters in Educational Leadership and principal certification, please email Ron Myers at r.d.myers@tcu.edu.
Each applicant must present:
- Official transcript(s) exhibiting a strong academic record (e-transcripts may be sent to tcugradstudies@tcu.edu)
- Current resume reflecting all professional experience
- Copy of valid educator certificate and official service record
- Applicants seeking certification as a principal must have completed at least two full years of teaching in an accredited school prior to beginning coursework
- Three letters of recommendation, at least two of which are from persons known in a professional or supervisory relationship
- Personal Statement - In 500-750 words, explain why you wish to seek the M.Ed. in PK-12 Educational Leadership (with or without the principal certificate, or, for certification-only students, why you are seeking the principal certificate). Explain how you see the degree and/or certification as fitting with personal and professional goals, and what you view as your strengths and challenges as you embark on this new journey
- Equity Statement - In 500-750 words, discuss the role you think efforts related to diversity, equity, and inclusion do or should play within PK-12 school contexts, what the leader's role is/should be in those efforts, and what informs your perspective on these issues
- Live or video interview
- Online Criminal Background Check required for PK-12 emphasis applicants
As of March 15, 2017, the Texas Education Agency Board requires the implementation
of an Accountability System for Educator Preparation Programs (ASEP) technology fee,
as required by 19 TAC 229.9(7). This fee is required for each candidate seeking certification;
the candidate must pay a one-time admission fee of $35. The fee will appear on your
TCU student account.
March 1 – fall admission
As of March 15, 2017, the Texas Education Agency Board requires the implementation of an Accountability System for Educator Preparation Programs (ASEP) technology fee, as required by 19 TAC 229.9(7). This fee is required for each candidate seeking certification; the candidate must pay a $35 fee when admitted to the program for the 2018-2019 academic year and beyond. The fee will appear on your TCU student account.
The links below provide two important resources for the Midpoint assessment: Requirements and Guidelines for completing the assessment and the Application Form to be completed and submitted with the two assessment artifacts. Students must complete their Tier I coursework in Educational Leadership prior to submitting this assessment, and this is a requirement before students can proceed to Tier II courses.
Experienced teachers who hold a master’s degree may apply for the TCU Educational Leadership Certification-Only program. Applicants must have completed at least two full years of teaching in an accredited school prior to beginning coursework. The required 18 hours can be completed in one academic year (fall and spring) and qualified applicants receive substantial financial support. Students take 9 hours per semester (including a principal practicum) and enjoy small classes with experienced professors who served as educational leaders. The program prepares individuals to successfully navigate the state of Texas certification examinations and, more importantly, serve as exemplary educational leaders. Those who complete the certification-only requirements may choose to apply to a doctoral program, enabling students to enter doctoral studies with 18 graduate hours completed.
Program Advisor