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Bryce MacDougall earned his Bachelor of Science in Education in 2019 and is now a social studies teacher and assistant football and soccer coach at Castleberry High School in Castleberry ISD. 

Bryce MacDougall

What is your favorite part of post grad experience?

"I love being able to help my students figure out what their dreams are or put them on a path to achieve them!"

In what ways has the College of Education prepared you for your current career?

"The TCU College of Education showed me the hard work it takes to be a teacher. Not a lot of people understand that teaching is more than just showing up and telling students information. These students trust you with a lot of their life problems and dreams and you have to know how to respond to that daily."

What was your favorite memory in the College of Education?

"Social Studies Methods with Dr. Curby Alexander. I use the things I learned from him daily and he did a great job of showing us how it all works. Also, he is a great mentor and I still email him for help!"

What advice would you give to a current student that you wish someone would've given you?

"Take advantage of the small class sizes! Get to know your professors because they are amazing mentors and will help you no matter what!"

Coach MacDougall with a group of his football players

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