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Allison Davis earned her Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood-6th Grade Education in 2018, graduating with university honors. She is now a K-8 Spanish teacher at St. Paul Lutheran School in Fort Worth and published her children's book, Hope the Dog, in October.

Allison Davis and her dog, Hope, with her book

What is your favorite part of the post-graduation experience?

"It’s rewarding to see that learning truly never ends. Every single class period and business decision is an opportunity to learn and try something new!"

In what ways has the College of Education prepared you for your current career?

"The College of Education helped me grow as both a teacher and professional. I felt prepared to analyze data and make smart decisions in both business and school settings thanks to mentorship from the COE!"

What was your favorite memory in the College of Education?

"My favorite COE memory is studying abroad in the summer of 2017 with Dr. Quinn, Dr. Bauml, and some of my best friends."

Can you talk about the children's book you recently published?

"My book, Hope the Dog, reminds readers of all ages that HOPE is always there, no matter the circumstance. My dog, Hope, truly inspired this story. From the moment I met her I knew she was special—a vibrant, heaven-sent mascot with an unmatched personality. By no accident, Hope was by my side a few months later when I entered an unexpected and trying season of life. During a period that felt hopeless, Hope reminded me that HOPE was always there. Not only Hope my dog, but the power of everlasting, eternal hope that never wavers despite circumstances out of our control. I sat down one night and wrote the first draft of my story, determined to turn an experience that almost broke me into a message that could save others.

I hope readers, both children and adults, fall in love with Hope’s character and remember her when they encounter a struggle. My mission is to encourage readers to realize they can always have HOPE, no matter what."

What advice would you give to a current student that you wish someone would've given you?

"Don’t stress the small things. Education is applicable in so many fields—whether that be in a classroom, an office, or a calling that is 100 percent yours. Embrace the unexpected because that’s when life really gets exciting!"

Anything else to add?

"Thank you to the COE and my wonderful professors for helping me along the journey both personally and professionally!"

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